Skill Course By Satish Dhawale

What Are The Most Useful Shortcuts For Microsoft Excel 2024

Struggling to unlock the full potential of your Excel, and need help figuring out how to pace up, increase work productivity, and save time while working in Excel?

Well, worry not, as I am here to help.

In this article of “What are the most useful shortcuts for Microsoft Excel?”I’ll help you level up your Excel game and teach you some of the most useful shortcuts for Microsoft Excel.

So, without any delay, let’s just dive into the world of data, rows, and columns.

What Are The Most Useful Shortcuts For Microsoft Excel?

Microsoft Excel is a computer program designed and built to edit spreadsheets to help its users store, collect, process, and analyze data to make informed decisions.

Microsoft Excel is one of the oldest and largest deployed data analysis tools.

Even after so many years and new analytical tools available in the market, Excel remains the most trusted, reliable, and go-to product for working with data.

One of the best things about Excel is that it makes it easier for its users to organize, analyze, and process complex data.

List Of The Most Useful Shortcuts For Microsoft Excel

Let’s explore some of the most useful keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Excel.

Moving Between Cells

Shortcut KeyDescription
Arrow KeysArrow Keys allow you to move up, down, right and left between cells. 
EnterEnter allows you to move one cell down.
TabThe tab key is used to move one cell to the right.
Shift+EnterThis shortcut key is used to move one cell up.
Shift+Tab This shortcut key is used to move one cell to the left.
Ctrl+Arrow KeyThis shortcut key allows you to jump to the edge of the data in the respective direction. 
You can use Control+ up arrow key to jump to the first cell of the data or you can use the Control+down key to jump to the last cell of the data. 
You can also use the right-left arrow key to jump to the last right or left cell of data. 

Navigating Between Sheets

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + Page UpThis shortcut key is used to move to the previous worksheet.
Ctrl + Page DownThis shortcut key is used to move to the next worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + Page UpUse this shortcut key to select the current and previous worksheets.
Ctrl + Shift + Page DownUse this shortcut key to select the current and next worksheets. 

Selection Shortcut Keys For Microsoft Excel

Shortcut KeyDescription
Ctrl + ATo select the entire worksheet.
Ctrl + SpaceThis shortcut key is used to select the entire column of the active cell in Excel. 
Shift + SpaceUse this shortcut key to select the entire row of the active cell in Excel.
Ctrl + Shift + Arrow KeyThis shortcut key allows you to extend the selection to the edge of the current data region
Shift + Arrow KeyThis shortcut key is used to extend the selection by one cell in the respective direction in Excel. 

Editing Shortcut Key For Microsoft Excel

Shortcut KeyDescription 
F2F2 shortcut key is used to edit the active cell in Excel.
Ctrl + CThis shortcut key allows you to copy the selected cells in Excel.
Ctrl +XThis shortcut key allows you to cut the selected cells in Excel.
Ctrl + VThis shortcut key in Excel is used to paste the copied or cut cells.
Ctrl + ZThis shortcut key in Excel allows you to undo your last action.
Ctrl + YThis shortcut key is used to `edo the last undone action in Excel. 

Formatting Shortcut Keys For Microsoft Excel

Shortcut KeyDescription 
Ctrl + BThis shortcut key is used to apply or remove bold formatting in Excel.
Ctrl + IThis shortcut key is used to apply or remove italic formatting in Excel.
Ctrl + UThis shortcut key is used to apply or remove underline formatting in Excel.
Ctrl + 1This shortcut key is used to open the format cells dialog box in Excel. 
Alt + H + HThis shortcut key is used to remove cell borders in Excel.
Alt + H + O + IThis shortcut key is used to autofit column width in Excel.
Alt + H + B + AThis shortcut key is used to apply all borders to a cell selection in Excel. 

Work Management Shortcut Key For Microsoft Excel

Shortcut KeyDescription 
Ctrl + NThis shortcut key is used to create a new workbook in Excel.
Ctrl + OThis shortcut key is used to open an existing workbook in Excel.
Ctrl + SUse this shortcut key to save the active workbook in Excel. 
Ctrl + PThis shortcut key allows you to print the active sheet in Excel.
Ctrl + F4This shortcut key is used to close the active workbook in Excel. 

Some Other Useful Shortcut Keys For Microsoft Excel

Shortcut KeyDescription 
F4This shortcut key is used to repeat the last action in Excel.
Ctrl + FThis shortcut key is used to open the find dialog box in Excel.
Ctrl + HUse this shortcut key to open the replace dialog box.

Bottom Line

These are some of the most useful shortcut keys for Microsoft Excel that you need to know to increase your work efficiency while working with Excel.

You can use these shortcut keys to increase your work productivity and impress your colleagues.

By mastering these shortcut keys you can navigate in Excel like a pro, and enhance your work speed and precision.

What are the 20 shortcut keys in Excel?

We have provided some of the most useful and commonly used shortcut keys in Excel in the above article. Kindly read the article to learn more about the use of shortcut keys in Excel.

What is Ctrl A to Z used for?

Ctrl + A is used to select the entire worksheet. Whereas Ctrl + Z is used to undo your last action in Microsoft Excel.

Also Read

Excel Course To Unlock the Full Potential Of Excel

What Is Excel VBA?

Can Excel Handle Large Datasets?

32 thoughts on “What Are The Most Useful Shortcuts For Microsoft Excel 2024”

  1. Your teaching skill is excellent sir. You are best teacher, one like me don’t knew anything in excel at age of 72 years managing my Society Account because of your teaching sir. Thanks sir

  2. Good Evening Sir

    I can’t wait for this amazing session My question is this When will the amazing session start?


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