Skill Course By Satish Dhawale

How To Create A Stunning 3D Progress Circle In Excel?

3d progress circle in excel

Stuck with old and boring ways of presenting data in Excel? Well, not anymore. Creating visually appealing and stunning data presentations in Excel can help you take your data to the next level.  3D progress circles are one of the best and most intuitive ways to track sales targets, project milestones, and to measure any … Read more

8 Most Useful & New Excel Formulas In 2024

8 Most Useful & New Excel Formulas In 2024

Microsoft Excel is a powerful and valuable tool essential to perform various data handling and data analysis tasks. Data organizing and data analysis play an essential role in finding new trends and patterns to help businesses gain key insights and make informed decisions. Let’s explore and find out the 8 most useful & new Excel … Read more

5 Best Features Of Google Sheets In 2024

5 Best Features of Google Sheets

Google Sheets continues to evolve to keep up with the new and ever-changing demand for new features and functions to enhance work productivity. Google Sheets has recently added some much-needed and essential features to promote a healthy and positive work environment. Let’s see what’s new and explore the 5 best features of Google Sheets. 5 … Read more

How To Use CoPilot In Excel? A Comprehensive Guide For Beginners

copilot in excel

If you are an Excel enthusiast and sometimes find yourself struggling with Excel’s complex formulas and functions, and want to learn how CoPilot in Excel works, then you are at the right place. Microsoft Excel is one of the world’s largest deployed computer programs used to edit spreadsheets. Microsoft Excel is used to clean, sort, … Read more

Microsoft Excel Vs Google Sheets Which Is Better?

Microsoft Excel Vs Google Sheets

Microsoft Excel vs Google Sheets, which is better? Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are the two top giants that rule the world of data and spreadsheets. Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets are powerful and highly utilized tools in the field of data and spreadsheets. These tools are used by organizations to organize, process, store, clean, … Read more

What Excel Skills Are Most Valuable For Finance And Accounting In 2024?

what excel skills are most valuable for finance And accounting

Excel is one of the best and most powerful data analysis tools professionals use in finance and accounting. Excel allows its users to create data models, analyze data, streamline business operations, and offer reliable insights into their data. For anyone to use or operate Excel to its full potential, mastering Excel is necessary. Mastering Excel … Read more

Is Excel VBA Still Worth Learning? Benefits & Career Opportunities

is excel vba still worth learning

Is Excel VBA still worth learning in 2024? A question many people ask as there are many alternatives available in the market. With a sudden rise in technology and the introduction of AI-powered computer programs in data data-driven. world, people often ask Is Excel VBA still worth learning in 2024? Microsoft Excel is a powerful … Read more

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