Skill Course By Satish Dhawale

Is Excel VBA Still Worth Learning? Benefits & Career Opportunities

Is Excel VBA still worth learning in 2024? A question many people ask as there are many alternatives available in the market.

With a sudden rise in technology and the introduction of AI-powered computer programs in data data-driven. world, people often ask Is Excel VBA still worth learning in 2024?

Microsoft Excel is a powerful and versatile tool used by millions of people in various industries for data cleaning, storing, processing, analysis, reporting, organizing, and so on.

While the basic features and functions of Microsoft Excel are accessible to most of its users, Excel’s real power is its ability to automate complex and repetitive tasks using its advanced features such as VBA.

In this article, I’ll answer your question,” is Excel VBA still worth learning in 2024?”

Let’s explore the world of data analysis and data application and find out the benefits and career opportunities in learning VBA.

What Is Excel VBA?

Visual Basics for Applications is a powerful advanced automation feature in Excel that allows its users to automate repetitive and complex tasks in Excel.

This advanced feature in Excel helps its users write various programs for various tasks to simplify complex tasks, saving them time and increasing work productivity.

Is Excel VBA Still Worth Learning: Advantages of Learning Excel VBA

VBA is like a virtual assistant that helps its users handle large datasets, automating performing repetitive tasks, formatting cells, generating reports, and so on.

Advantages Of Learning Excel VBA In 2024

VBA’s Automation Capability

One of the key advantages of learning Excel VBA in 2024 is its ability to automate complex repetitive tasks.

Learning VBA will help its users enhance work productivity by automating repetitive tasks while working on large datasets.

This will help you save time as well as eliminate the risk of human errors.

Customizations In VBA

VBA allows its users to customize Excel as per their requirements or specific needs. With VBA you can even tailor Excel to generate intuitive customs reports or perform complex calculations.

With VBA you can write codes or scripts to automate the tasks of handling data manually by creating customs functions in Excel.

Easy Integration

Learning VBA will allow you to easily integrate your Excel with other Microsoft applications including MS PowerPoint and MS Word.

Mastering VBA will also make it easier for you to work with data across various platforms in real time.

VBA’s integration capability will help you enhance your overall workflow, and business operations and generate insightful reports.

Easy To Use

VBA is easy to use and is one of the easiest programming languages.

Its user-friendly capabilities make it easier for people who are not from a programming background to perform and automate various tasks.

VBA is your go-to tool if you are looking for an option to automate complex and repetitive tasks in Excel.

VBA’s Compatibility

The best thing about VBA is that it is compatible even with the older version of Microsoft Excel which makes it a reliable choice for people looking for a trusted tool to speed up their business operations.

Career Options In VBA

As we all know Excel is a powerful and versatile tool of the data-driven world and is essential to run business operations efficiently.

Proper Excel knowledge and the ability to use Excel to its full potential are highly valued in the job market.

Even today, many employers are looking for suitable candidates who can operate Excel to its full potential.

If you can automate tasks and increase work productivity by efficiently using VBA in Excel, you may easily get hired by a reputed firm.

Bottom Line

So the answer to your question,” is Excel VBA still worth learning?” is yes. Excel VBA is still worth learning for people looking to automate their day-to-day tasks to increase work efficiency.

Learning VBA is the easiest way to customize Excel, and create custom functions by writing codes and scripts in Excel.

Do people still use Excel VBA?

Yes, people still use Excel VBA to run their business operations even in 2024. VBA is a powerful tool that allows its users to work efficiently by helping them create custom functions using scripts or codes in Excel.

Is Microsoft removing VBA from Excel?

No, Microsoft is not going to remove VBA from Excel as it is one of its advanced and essential features that allows its uses to increase the overall work productivity.

However, Microsoft doesn’t even plan to further upgrade VBA.

Also Read

What is Excel VBA?

Microsoft Excel Cool Tricks

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